
The Game Maze of Edutainment: How do English Teachers get Through

Abstract Gone are the days when the students had only a pile of books to learn English. Technology is increasingly becoming our students’ anytime-anyplace friend on whom they rely for doing their daily activities. As English teachers, we are expected to track the technology footsteps in education for the purpose of bringing real life incidents […]

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Integrating Classroom Research with Daily Teaching-Learning Practices

Integrating Classroom Research with Daily Teaching-Learning Practices

Abstract Teachers may have neither the time nor the motivational resources to run full-featured research types. As a result, classroom research or action research is suggested to fulfil the need for the main genuine objective of research: answering questions in the classroom context. Improving students’ learning, managing the class, and evaluating one’s teaching methods and

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Dealing with Individual Differences in a Foreign Language Classroom: One Size Does Not Fit All

Abstract Language learners’ differences, which manifest in many different ways, challenge teachers in dealing with all learners’ different needs, methods and preferences. In spite of the fact that a lot of controversies and criticisms exist in the literature regarding overemphasizing the role of these differences in the success or failure of certain language learners, it

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