Refund and Returns Policy

Our refund policy lasts 14 days. If 14 days have passed since your purchase, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

At ELTbookTests, the resources you purchase are delivered electronically. Unlike a t-shirt or a book, you can’t (really) return a PDF, Docs or other files after it’s been downloaded or accessed. For that reason, all sales on ELTbookTests of digital resources are considered final and nonrefundable.


If your purchase falls into one of the following exceptions listed below, you may be eligible for a refund.

  • A resource file is damaged or is missing content.
  • A resource preview and/or description misrepresents what is actually contained in the resource. 
  • You are unable to access a resource because the technical requirements aren’t included in the resource description.
  • You purchase the same resource twice in one Email Address.

If your purchase falls into one of these categories, send us a ticket at page contact us . Please be sure to include in your request: the resource name and your concerns, along with any specific examples or details you might have. 

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